Featured Topics

Hebrew School
We are excited to let you know that after a long hiatus (Pandemic lock down period) preparations for our Hebrew School program for the new term 2022/23 are in full swing!** These plans are contingent on meeting all health precautions as we move into the fall. Please inquire from our teachers (see below).
At Or Hadash we foster a sense of belonging and provide a relevant Jewish learning experience that is focused on the needs of each individual student.
REGISTER TODAY, Classes are planned to start on, Sukkot, October 16, 2022 *!
* A minimum of six students is required in order to run the school
Registration is open to all students who will be at least in Grade 1 (public school) this coming September and who have not yet reached the age of B’nai Mitzvah.
Regular | If paid in full by August 15, 2022 | |
Family Membership | $650 | $600 |
*Single membership
First Child in Hebrew School |
$350 |
$300 |
Second Child in Hebrew School | $325 | $275 |
Third Child in Hebrew School | $275 | $225 |
If you wish to receive the detailed School Plan and the Registration Form for the upcoming term, or if you have any additional questions, please contact Howard Lindo(Principal: howard_lindo@hotmail.com),assisted by Michael Davis, (Assistant Teacher), at michael@orhadash.org. Howard will be more than happy to get in touch with you.

HHD 5783/2022
During the Pandemic we were fortunate to have Cantor/Rabbi Brian Reich, lead HHD services by ZOOM. Cantor Reich has been our spiritual leader over the past 5 years. We are hoping that we will be able again to hold HHD services in person again for 5783/2022.
Those of you who have celebrated with us in the past years know how delighted we are to have Cantor Brian on board. His greatest joy comes from inspiring the community he is serving and from encouraging participation whenever the opportunity presents itself.
Cantor Brian has everything it takes to make our celebrations meaningful, spiritual, musical and purposeful. His rich life experience, his great knowledge, remarkable skills and talents, and most of all, his warm personality and kindness make him a delight to have among us. I am closing this HHD pre-announcement with Cantor Brian’s own words.
“There is nothing I would rather do than spending time and space, prayers, music and thoughts with the entire Or Hadash Community.”
I invite the Jewish community in the Northern York Region to attend High Holy Day services at Or Hadash Synagogue to experience a truly inspiring journey into the essence of Judaism. More information regarding our upcoming High Holy Day services 5783/2022 will posted in due time.
Herman Yeger, President

Live Longer
All those people urging you to go to synagogue more may have a point. A new study suggests that people who consistently attend religious services may live longer than those who don’t.
In an article published in the June issue of JAMA Internal Medicine, four Harvard University researchers analyzed data collected from 75,534 women over 16 years, between 1996 and 2012. They found that those who attended more than one religious service each week had a 33 percent lower risk of premature death.
Twice-weekly attendance corresponded to a 26 percent lower risk, and less than once a week meant 13 percent lower risk.
“Religion and spirituality may be an underappreciated resource that physicians could explore with their patients, as appropriate,” the study concluded.
Out of the 75,534 women who self-reported information, the majority were Christian. 1,700 were Jewish.
“Because of the [comparably] small number it would be difficult to look at them separately and see if the results differ [for Jews],” the study’s senior author, Tyler VanderWeele, an epidemiology professor at Harvard’s T.H. Chan School of Public Health, told JTA in an email.
But VanderWeele pointed to an article from 2007 focused solely on Jews that echoes his findings. The study of 1,811 Jewish Israeli men and women over the age of 70 found: “Synagogue attendance is seen to promote survival mainly through its function as a source of communal attachment and, perhaps, as a reflection of spirituality as well.”
The Harvard study statistically ruled out the possibility of reverse causation — that healthy people go to church more than unhealthy people. Some variables, including social support and a tendency not to smoke, contributed to the correlation between religious service attendance and longevity, but didn’t account for it.
“This suggests that there is something powerful about the communal religious experience,” VanderWeele told The New York Times on Sunday. “These are systems of thought and practice shaped over millennia, and they are powerful.”
(Source: JSPACENEWS, June 17, 2016)

Women of Ashkenazi Jewish descent are at a significantly higher risk of developing ovarian cancer, because 1 in 40 Ashkenazi women are at risk of having a BRCA gene mutation. Ovarian cancer is women’s most fatal cancer in Canada. If you have a connection to ovarian cancer, BRCA or want to learn more about this topic, please click here to read this important information.
If you are looking for additional information and support, you may also contact
Cailey Crawford
Ontario Regional Director
Ovarian Cancer Canada
(416) 962-2700 ext.232
1 (877) 413-7970 ext.232
Cel: 647-472-5798
Fax/Téléc: (416) 962-2701
www.ovariancanada.org / www.ovairecanada.org

Our service schedule during Passover is as follows:
Regular Shabbat Services on March 31 and on April 7 are cancelled.
Yizkor Service will take place on April 7 at 10:30 a.m.
Check out our new Passover Page, where you can find everything you always wanted to know about Pesach. History, Customs, Songs, Family Activities, Recipes, How-to-Videos and much more. Chag Pesach sameach from OR HADASH SYNAGOGUE and the Union for Reform Judaism!

Megillah Reading
Join us on Wednesday, February 28th, at 7:00 p.m. for the READING OF THE MEGILLAH, also known as the Book of Esther.
In order to fulfill this first and foremost Purim mitzvah, one must hear every word of the reading, except of course, when we mention the name of the evil Haman and make as much noise as possible to blot out his name! If you like, dress up in a costume. Either way, come, have fun, enjoy the community and nosh some Hamantaschen.
The second mitzvah on Purim is MISHLOACH MANOT, or the sending of food gifts. When you come to the MEGILLAH READING, please bring along a small bag or other container, filled with two or more different types of ready-to-eat foods. We will exchange these little gift bags so that at the end of the evening, every person who attends is able to take one of them home. Keep it simple, this is about fun and not about spending a lot of money. It is the thought that counts! Need some ideas? Check out this link: https://kosheronabudget.com/101-mishloach-manot-ideas/
Our evening of the Megillah Reading is mainly geared towards adults, but children are certainly most welcome to attend too.

Sukkot on the Farm
On Sunday, October 8th, 2017, Or Hadash Synagogue will celebrate Sukkot as usual in style at the Balaban Farm. During this truly special event amongst the Jewish Community, adults and children alike will be able to experience the spirit of the holiday by connecting with its agricultural themes. We will enjoy a hayride, pick vegetables, visit the farm animals and of course, will decorate the sukkah, wave the lulav and smell the etrog!
We meet at 10:00 a.m. The event will be held rain or shine. Please dress accordingto the weather! There will be a pot luck BBQ. Hamburgers and Hot Dogs will be supplied (meat is kosher style only, no dairy is permitted). Additional Details
High Holy Days 5778/2017
$ 80.00 (B’nai Mitzvah, age 13 to 17 years old)
Children under the age of 13 are admitted free of charge

HHD Pre-Announcement
We are again delighted (as in 5778/2017) to introduce to you our service leader for the High Holy Days 5779/2018 Cantor BRIAN REICH, Rabbi.
As usual, HHD tickets are included in our Or Hadash membership. Membership/HHD information packages (incl. new membership fee) will be sent out shortly. Stay tuned.
Individual HHD seats for non-members are $175 per person (18 years or older) or $80 (B’nei Mitzvah age up to 17 years). Children under 13 years are free. Tickets can be ordered via contact@orhadash.org
We are truly blessed to have Cantor Brian on board. His greatest joy comes from inspiring the community he is serving and from encouraging participation whenever the opportunity presents itself.
Cantor Brian is an amazing person. He has everything it takes to make our celebrations meaningful, spiritual, musical and purposeful. His rich life experience, his great knowledge, remarkable skills and talents, and most of all, his warm personality and kindness will make him a delight to have among us.
We are closing this HHD pre-announcement with the greetings Cantor Brian has sent to our congregation: