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Hebrew School
We are excited to let you know that after a long hiatus (Pandemic lock down period) preparations for our Hebrew School program for the new term 2022/23 are in full swing!** These plans are contingent on meeting all health precautions as we move into the fall. Please inquire from our teachers (see below). At Or […]

HHD 5783/2022
During the Pandemic we were fortunate to have Cantor/Rabbi Brian Reich, lead HHD services by ZOOM. Cantor Reich has been our spiritual leader over the past 5 years. We are hoping that we will be able again to hold HHD services in person again for 5783/2022. Those of you who have celebrated with us in […]

Live Longer
NEW STUDY SUGGESTS THAT PEOPLE WHO ATTEND RELIGIOUS SERVICES LIVE LONGER: All those people urging you to go to synagogue more may have a point. A new study suggests that people who consistently attend religious services may live longer than those who don’t. In an article published in the June issue of JAMA Internal Medicine, […]

HEALTH INFORMATION RELEVANT TO THE JEWISH COMMUNITY: Women of Ashkenazi Jewish descent are at a significantly higher risk of developing ovarian cancer, because 1 in 40 Ashkenazi women are at risk of having a BRCA gene mutation. Ovarian cancer is women’s most fatal cancer in Canada. If you have a connection to ovarian cancer, BRCA […]

Our service schedule during Passover is as follows: Regular Shabbat Services on March 31 and on April 7 are cancelled. Yizkor Service will take place on April 7 at 10:30 a.m. Check out our new Passover Page, where you can find everything you always wanted to know about Pesach. History, Customs, Songs, Family Activities, Recipes, […]

Megillah Reading
Join us on Wednesday, February 28th, at 7:00 p.m. for the READING OF THE MEGILLAH, also known as the Book of Esther. In order to fulfill this first and foremost Purim mitzvah, one must hear every word of the reading, except of course, when we mention the name of the evil Haman and make as […]

Sukkot on the Farm
On Sunday, October 8th, 2017, Or Hadash Synagogue will celebrate Sukkot as usual in style at the Balaban Farm. During this truly special event amongst the Jewish Community, adults and children alike will be able to experience the spirit of the holiday by connecting with its agricultural themes. We will enjoy a hayride, pick vegetables, visit the farm […]