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Hebrew School
We are excited to let you know that after a long hiatus (Pandemic lock down period) preparations for our Hebrew School program for the new term 2022/23 are in full swing!** These plans are contingent on meeting all health precautions as we move into the fall. Please inquire from our teachers (see below). At Or […]
HHD 5783/2022
During the Pandemic we were fortunate to have Cantor/Rabbi Brian Reich, lead HHD services by ZOOM. Cantor Reich has been our spiritual leader over the past 5 years. We are hoping that we will be able again to hold HHD services in person again for 5783/2022. Those of you who have celebrated with us in […]
Live Longer
NEW STUDY SUGGESTS THAT PEOPLE WHO ATTEND RELIGIOUS SERVICES LIVE LONGER: All those people urging you to go to synagogue more may have a point. A new study suggests that people who consistently attend religious services may live longer than those who don’t. In an article published in the June issue of JAMA Internal Medicine, […]
HEALTH INFORMATION RELEVANT TO THE JEWISH COMMUNITY: Women of Ashkenazi Jewish descent are at a significantly higher risk of developing ovarian cancer, because 1 in 40 Ashkenazi women are at risk of having a BRCA gene mutation. Ovarian cancer is women’s most fatal cancer in Canada. If you have a connection to ovarian cancer, BRCA […]